Look at that. Take it in. Not only is the #Silo TV show real and coming out soon, the silo is freaking real. I’ve been inside it. The set would blow your mind.
Three stories tall and two hundred feet across, the silo is a mountain of steel and concrete inside a giant warehouse outside of London. The first time I walked into the set it was still under construction, but the sheer scale alone took my breath away. It not only dwarfed the men and women working on the set, it dwarfed the forklifts and other vehicles driving around to erect it all.
With a high-vis jacket and hardhat, I walked around in a stupor. My dominant emotion besides shock was guilt. A short story I’d written while working in a bookstore caused ALL THIS? It was a bit much. I felt like asking people to ease up a bit. Or apologizing for the fuss I’d caused. I feel bad when people do me small favors, and here were two hundred people working long shifts to make something I’d dreamt up a reality.
It was a mix of that guilt and my love of getting my hands dirty that had me jump in and give the carpenters a hand. They didn’t know who I was, and nobody complained about having some help. We put treads in on a few of the lower stairs, drilled holes slotting over pegs, raps with wooden mallets to get it snug, each piece rising up from the ground until we had a dozen stairs in place.
It was fortuitous timing, being there as the first steps went in. The story starts on those stairs, with Holston walking up the silo for the very last time. I went back to the set a dozen times during shooting, and every time I looked at the fifth tread, one that I put in myself, and soaked up the gravity of the moment. It started so small, this journey. Now it’s something that hundreds of people have poured their love and energy into. I’m so excited for you all to join us on this adventure.
Tomorrow, you’ll finally see it all in motion for the first time. AppleTVPlus is dropping the teaser trailer, and it’s absolutely epic. I’ve watched it half a dozen times, and I still get goosebumps.
For everyone who has been on this journey from the beginning, thanks so much for your support and love. Thanks for putting up with the tight-lipped teases and lack of information. All that will start ending tomorrow. I hope this show will make you proud.
If you are new here and wondering what all the fuss is about, check out my book series. As of this writing, the ebook version is on a massive sale (only two bucks for the entire series!). If you like audiobooks, a brand new audio edition is coming this month. Stay tuned for that. And more exciting announcements to follow.
The post One Step at a Time appeared first on Hugh Howey.